tisdag 22 mars 2011

Japan Earthquake

was supposedly caused by HAARP. However, i feel that Alaje gave a GREAT explanation to this and i'd like to share it with all you arrogant little darlings ♥

Quote: If you look spiritually deeper, you will see that the REAL and FIRST reason for the disaster in Japan is not Haarp. THE REAL REASON FOR ANY DISASTER ON EARTH IS THE LACK OF LOVE AND TOO MUCH NEGATIVE ENERGY. The lack of love on planet earth, is giving the dark side the power to create disasters with Haarp and other technologies. The negative energy that the majority of earth humans are creating,(aggressiveness, arrogance and no respect to the nature or Lightworkers), this negative energy is feeding the secret government with energy and therefore the disasters. The negative energy that the majority of earth humans are creating, is forcing the earth to make big cleansings to get rid of these energies. As I say in my Videos: "EVERYTHING IS ENERGY AND THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING IS ENERGY". If the majority of earth humans would create LOVE ENERGY, they would take the power of the secret government away.
As I say in my Videos, planet earth is in a process of transformation in order to move in a higher frequency. In order to do this smooth and in harmony, all negative energies have to be cleansed and all earth humans have to concentrate on LOVE and COMPASSION, not on any negative emotions. As I say in my Videos: LOVE IS THE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING.
Each planet is a school where you learn to be spiritual and in harmony with nature. You learn to take responsibility for what you are doing. As I said already in my videos, If Earth Humans continue to live against the nature with exaggerated consumption, greed for money and power, with use of poisons and atomic energy in the industry and continue to create hate energy and attack us Lightworkers, this transformation will be very unpleasant, because the universe and the planet will have to purify the negative energy, to match with the higher frequencies.

If you destroy the nature, you are destroying yourself. All earth humans are responsible, of how the transformation will be.
Now is the opportunity for other countries to show compassion and to help the people who suffer in Japan. All the billions that is used for decades for the military and weapons, they could use it now more appropriate and build a new home for the people. All the wealth and gold, which the Church has stolen in the past from other countries with brutal violence, it should now be used to help people in need. Even a single ring from the Pope, would provide the necessary money for hundreds of people.
Help would be possible if the secret rulers would now reflect on the energy of LOVE and not on their greed for power and control.

Only with love energy, the transformation will be smooth and pleasant.
As I said already in my videos, the higher developed star nations will not interfere with the education of the earth people. In order to become galactic humans, the earth humans have to achieve a higher state of consciousness, in order to wipe out all negative energies by themselfes. The higher developed star nations are telling earth humans for thousands of years how to live in harmony with the existence, without causing disasters. The secret people in power and the industries of the world must finally stop destroying the earth because of their greed for money and power. Free Energy has been around since the 30's, but the rulers of the earth are blocking it because they would not win any money from it.
The majority of the earth population has to stop hatred and arrogance, and educate themselves on living the energy of LOVE in all parts of life.

Only a loving, spiritual government is a good government. Everything else leads to destruction. Spiritual Extraterrestrials visited all governments in the 50es, and warned them about using the dangerous atomic energy. But the governments did not listen to this advise.
At the moment, there are 438 atomic reactors world wide. 104 in USA ( they are planing 22 more), 55 in Japan, 58 in France, 35 in China ( they are planing 120 more), 32 in Russia ( they are planing 30 more), 20 in Korea, 19 in India, 19 in England, 18 in Kanada, 15 in Ukraine, 17 in Germany, 10 in Sweden, and many more on other countries. You don´t have to be extremely intelligent to know what will happen, if they explode because of the earth shift.

All earth people should be against nuclear reactors and force the governments to remove them. They generate negative energy and the planet Earth will therefore will try to eliminate this disease, with earthquakes and floods.
For thousands of years, earth humans have been warned not to act against nature, but people in the industry and politics don´t listen and create disasters. They are only interested in money and control over the earth population. The Earth people have to wake up now and fight with Love energy against the slavery and lies of the Earth governments and the secret world government. As I said already in my videos, earth people have to create the energy of spiritual LIGHT and LOVE in order to change the consciousness of those in power and stop their evil actions. If not enough spiritual energy is present, the earth humans will act against the rulers by force.

Because the earth humans are destroying the nature and are not using enough love, Planet Earth has started to clean his body from negative energies. He has started to shake and rotate faster and therefore the tectonic plates are set in motion.
All places at the pacific trench, (the pacific ring of fire) should be evacuated now, because there is the high possibility of more earthquakes and volcanic explosions.
Japan is a volcanic island. It is directly on the pacific crack were the tectonic plates are meeting. The entire island is a dangerous place and should be evacuated. It is a sign of insanity to build 55 atomic reactors on a volcano like Japan and on a place where tectonic plates are meeting.

onsdag 2 februari 2011

Ancient Aliens

Well, if you are completely blind to the possibilities that Aliens are here,
then maybe you can consider possibilities that they WERE here in the past.

Looks a little bit like one of those mischievious greys, if you ask me. Not enough to be called evidence yet, though.

The 'gods' are always coming down from the sky.


The sky?

Suspicious, thats all.

From mere suspicion to obvious.

I know what I think this is, but what do YOU think?

Hey, by the way, I WANT THAT COIN!

Its a very known theory that jesus actual name was Jmennuel, not Jesus Christ at all. That also explains why sometimes in old texts he is referred to as Emmanuel. Oh, and he was an Extraterrestrial. C:

Quoting Alaje: "We are the angels described in your bible, mostly Pleiadians and Venusians."

BEWARE, the flying HATSSSS!!!!

Heck, you have to be blind if you can not even see the POSSIBILITY! I mean COME ON!

Well, they only started drawing Baby Jesus around the 14th century, so...

.....................ATCHOOO!!!! Oops, sorry............................

Many people claim that Jesus was actually beamed up in a spaceship after his crucification.
Well, at least this artist seem to agree with that.

Those are either Flying Saucers, or Flying Hats.
....oooh, I'd like that!
Open up those eyes and see what you find.

söndag 30 januari 2011

Excuse me.

This blog has been soo weird and unserious, so I felt like I had to edit some old posts. And I'm very unactive too, so please excuse me. I'm both lazy and busy, and that is not a good combination.
Later on I will talk about life on mars and ancient aliens, but i just have to find the time.

(Is anyone even reading this shit anyways??)

måndag 6 december 2010

Contactees and Channelers...

Billy Meier-If you were going to do a research on the Pleiadians, Billy Meier would most likely be one of the first contactees you would find. Metal samples that have been proven to come from another source than earth are the strongest evidence supporting Meiers statement. Yet, his photos of UFO's has been proved to be fake, he even claimed that the Pleiadians took him back in time where he photographed a dinosaur, but that was in fact a picture from a book. And the photo of 'Semjase' was supposedly a picture of a woman from an american TV-show (apparently, Meier said that he took that picture to show the similarity, and not Semjase herself). The most famous theory is that Meiers first contacts was from the Pleiades, but that he later got contacted by ET's just claiming to be the Pleiadians, and Billy got selfish and started faking.
Quote from alajefromthepleiades.com :

Question: Hey alaje!! Billy Meier states he use to work for the dark forces then he came too the light? Do you have any knowledge on this?

Answer: Billy Meier and all his peope are an arrogant cult. He says that he is the only one who has contact with extraterrestrials. In reality, there are THOUSENDS who had contacts. He HAD contacts in the 60's-70's, not any more because he gets egoistic. He is against everybody, because he is now manipulated by negative extraterrestrials who pretend to be Pleiadians, but of course they are not. I went to the Meier place in Swiss and i saw that it is a cult that is talking all the time about birth control and they only want the money of the people.

Well, I would not recommend him, unless you are wise enough to act as a filter and divide true from manipulated information.

Barbara Marciniak- Barbara is a quite famous channeler, and channelers have a tendency to be very distorted,
because they most usually get a formation, a picture, a feeling in their head wich they try to convert into words. And you would imagine that is pretty hard..
Besides, when you are open for channelings, many entities can take advantage of you, so you have to be wise enough to see that happening, and when most people don't see it, they are mixturing the right and wrong information, and that causes confusion.
Quote from alajefromthepleiades.com:

Question: I saw all your videos they are really practical. I want to have your opinion about somebody: Barbara Marciniak.
Answer: Well, she is channeling. Channelings are often wrong or distorted. Her first book was good, but in the others she is channeling something else, that is not light, because she started to talk about blood rituals at night… So, concentrate on your INNER development, in order to get your information from your higher self and be able to filter in books, good from wrong information

Mike Quinsey- is Channeling SaLuSa from Sirius. SaLuSas messages ore often very uplifting and positive, but I am sceptic about the part that Obama will bring great change to the world. Well, there is a possibility, but they say that Obami was'nt supposed to win the election. Very curious, because everyone who have done the slightest research on Illuminati, can understand that they have the power to affect the elections any way they want. My opinion is that: If what SaLuSa is saying is true, great. If this is yet another trick done by malevolent ET's they are not very intelligent, beacuse saying that our future is guaranteed, well maybe they think that they could control us more easlily with the New World Order by saying this, but if people believe that, it will affect their mind so that they are steering their course to that point.
However, Alaje said that the future is not a fixed thing, wich I think has been proved too many times.
I'd say, as long as what you hear from SaLuSa is manefesting itself positively, it is okay.

Colleen Thomas- Another channeler, a little bit crazy, if you ask me. It is obvious that she is not only channeling the Pleiadians, if even that. A real Light filled being would not freak people out about flesh eating Reptilians, but talk on what to do about it, and they would'nt ask for money in the way Colleen does. Besides, she is VERY controversial, in one video she said: "If you think the good guys are coming you are stupid." Later, in the very same vidoe she said: "The bad guys are juice only the good guys are coming. However, interestingly enough, Alaje confirmed one of the things she said on the news, she said that it was the pleiadians that shot down the california missile.
Quote from alajefromthepleiades.com:

Question: I saw on the news yesterday, they said to the strange missile on the California coast was destroyed by Pleiadians spaceships, because was launched to Iran and Pleiadians make that for stop a war. Are they showing the truth. Really you Pleiadians have intervened?

Answer: Yes, that is true. The secret government was trying to create a world war. I am talking about it in my video number 9

Other than that, Alaje doesn't seem to agree with Colleen that much.
One thing to keep in mind is: Colleen was not the only one stating this. MANY people predicted a 3rd world war in November and that was an attempt to one. Even SaLuSa said that The Galactics got the permission to intervene in the law of free will, in these very important transformation times.
My theory is that Colleen is channeling MANY sorts of beings, and MAYBE some of those are the Pleiadians, maybe not. Intelligent beings mix Correct with false information.

And she is barely smart enough to see this, she seems to believe aevery word she is channeling.
Well, everything else but recommended, if you ask me.

Bob Renaud- Please refer to my earlier post for information about Bob.

George Adamski-He had contacts with a venusain called Orthon, and his photos have proven to either be real spaceships or full scale models. (and seriously now, who would have the patience to build such a thing...)
There is a slight chance that even he may have been manipulated by negative ET's later, however,
i believe the information in his books are reliable.
Quote from alajefromthepleiades.com:

Question: Could you give us the titles of 2 or 3 books we should read to be less ignorant? Books you think they are reliable.

Answer: The books of George Adamski and Bob Renaud. Both had contact with spiritual extraterrestrials.

David Icke- Doesn't fit in in this section at all. He is neither a Contact nor is he famous for his channelings,
but he is very intelligent, and know a lot about the secret world government. CHECK HIM OUT!

torsdag 25 november 2010

The TerraKor files


Korendrians contact Bob Renaud, who had several chats with these wonderful Extraterrestrials and even rides in their spaceships. Korendor is a planet close to Arcturia, supposedly on the 4th or 5th dimension.

"Settling back, I took up a book on astronomy and began to scan the photographs. I was only a few pages into it when from the radio loudspeaker there emerged a high-pitched beep--beep--beep. This was somewhat annoying, needless to say and, since it was a few kilocycles on the high end of the BBC signal, I tried to remove it by tuning downward. This being to no avail, and my curiosity having been shaken from its hibernation, I decided to find out what this obnoxious noise represented. No sooner had I lined up with it than it stopped, to be replaced by a soft, crystal-clear feminine voice that spoke the phrase, "Bob, we'd like you to stay on this frequency for a while.""

Quotes from the site

"Question: Could you give us the titles of 2 or 3 books we should read to be less ignorant? Books you think they are reliable.

Answer: The books of George Adamski and Bob Renaud. Both had contact with spiritual extraterrestrials."

"Question: I am curious about the one that was a picture of a blond women. Can you tell me who she is?

Answer: Yes, this woman is from planet Korendor. Korendor is a planet close to Arcturus."

"Question: I have read some information in The TerraKor Files, supposedly written by Robert Bob Renaud. I just wanted to ask you, is there any truth in this material, because i remember that you mentioned Bob Renaud some time ago in your answers. He claims that he visited planet Korrendor several times, but some things just don’t make sense in his statements.

Answer: Yes , Bob Renaud’s books from the 60es are very good. But the new informations you can find in the Internet about Bob Renaud, seem to be manipulated and not clean."

Hope that helps..